The Hunger Games Mockingjay - Part 2
What is The Hunger Games?
Tag lines
- "May the odds be forever in your favour"
- "#The Hunt begins"
- "#Catching clues"
- "#Who's side are you on?"
- "#Join the fight"
- "#Join the Mockingjay"
- #BecomeOneOfUs

My viral marketing campaign promotes the new release of the film The Hunger Games-Mockingjay Part 2. It includes a variety of elements such as social media, websites, magazines and real life events to help promote and expand the campaign. The campaign contains a scavenger hunt which is based around an artificial relatively where fans of the film have to find various clues scattered around social media, fake websites, magazines and spray paintings of the Mockingjay for example on landmarks in London. Also using real world events where fans have to take part in remakes of activities from the games such as archery, camouflaging, climbing etc where they have to race against the clock to win the clue at the end of the challenge. The clues lead to finding the golden ticket enabling the fan to get front row seats of the Hunger Games. When a fan finds a clue they have to post a picture or video of themselves finding it on youtube or a social media using the hashtag "#catching clues" (liking with the film Catching fire) to help the campaign start trending and get people exited. The hunt continues and it's a race to the finish as theres only 10 tickets up for grabs. This is where the tagline "May the odds be forever in your favour" links in because it is so rare to find a ticket it is wishing them luck in the race(like in the real hunger games) to find the ticket.
Also I will use another real world event one being whoever wins the lucky winners are they find out they get the next best thing they get front row tickets to the premier of the film, and get to sit next to Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutchinson, also get a chance to go on the red carpet.... experience the games?
Magazines/ Website Quiz
Katniss army
Another part of the campaign is using social media to promote the film. There is a page you can follow if you want to join the "Katniss Army" to assassinate president Snow. A page where fans can post when the find clues and for the "Katniss" to posts tips of where they can be found. She posts instructions and her "army" have to follow them. Other fake websites include a link of 12 websites one website representing each distract where a different character features on each site. There is a quote from a character and they are giving fans a clues which they have to go and find. Each website includes various clues on three posters there is one word hidden somewhere, and they have to find and pin point them all connecting the words so form the name of the website address. For example on one poster the word "Join" and then on another poster the word "The" and finally another poster "". Fans have to find and put it together which leads to a website to find clues.
On fake websites created there will be links to various videos of speeches from president Snow at the capital declaring war upon all the districts, urging them to join his side of the fight. There will be videos of Katniss underground where she is planning her attacks on the capital; controversially the setting of Katniss' videos are more dark and dusty.
First poster design
My first design of my poster is a tester so not much is revealed early on. The poster aims to be simply yet effective, encouraging fans to go and find the information themselves and not giving it all away to them at once; creating suspense and excitement. It includes an image of Katniss who represents the Mockingjay (with a mockingly flying behind her). Along the bottom in big, bold, white text there is the strapline "#JointThe Mockingjay" trying to get this hashtag trending and getting fans to join the fight making it seem real and life like. They have to find and scan the QR hidden somewhere on the poster which then leads then to a website which is part of the scavenger hunt in search for clues to reach the finish line to get win a ticket.
My second design for my poster is another tester so there is limited information to ensure it's eye- catching and effective. It is a carry on and links to the previous posters because it is the last poster fans need to find to fit the word puzzle together to complete the hashtag "JoinTheFight". The poster includes another QR code which fans scan which takes them to the final fake website where they find the reminding clues to complete the scavenger hunt challgene. The poster uses a different hashtag to get the fans trending it on social media to get closer to the ticket "TheHuntBegins" symbolising the hunt for president Snow and the hunt for the ticket for fans (having a connection). The colour, and visual appearance of this design is different to the previous poster shown above, because it doesn't have Katniss just the Mockingjay, it doesn't have bright flame or fire, it is much more subtle and plainer so they look very controversial and different yet still as effective as each other. The golden Mockingjay works brilliantly against the plain black background, helping t stand out and grab attention.
The link for my viral marketing campaign website is The website is part of a scavenger hunt, where the "Katniss Army" have found clues and codes from the posters which have led them to this website. Then the hunt continues Katniss is the character for the website, she congratulates her army on getting to this stage and tells them their instructions as the next part of the hunt, they then have to find the code and copying into the space provided on the website.
The link for my viral marketing campaign website is The website is part of a scavenger hunt, where the "Katniss Army" have found clues and codes from the posters which have led them to this website. Then the hunt continues Katniss is the character for the website, she congratulates her army on getting to this stage and tells them their instructions as the next part of the hunt, they then have to find the code and copying into the space provided on the website.