5 benefits of work experience:

  • Networking - Creates future connections with the appropriate people for your chosen career path. 
  • Gain insight into what it could be like to work in the environment of your choosing. 
  • Helps develop skills such as team work, communication and time-management. 
  • Helps you decide whether it is the right career path for you.
  • Can challenge inspire you to set objectives and goals of what you wish to become. 

  • What jobs am I interested in?

    • Event organising - 
    • Radio/ TV presenting
    • Public relations
    • Marketing 
    Before starting your covering letter you should carry out some research on the company and into the role to which you are applying. Try to cross match your skills with what the company needs. As accurately as possible know precisely what will be expected of you should you get the job. 

    Becoming a successful broadcast presenter is all about developing your own style. As a radio presenter, you may be trained to handle some of the technical equipment in the studio, but, apart from that, you will receive very little, if any, extra training.
    There is no set career path for presenters. Some expand their expertise across different media platforms, presenting both TV shows and radio shows, while others branch out into other areas of the entertainment industry, such as acting or stand-up comedy.Alternatively, you could try your hand at script-writing or producing. 
    Cover Letter Research
    A covering letter adds a more personal touch that a CV lacks. It helps makes you stand out and look different to the employer mentioning things that your CV wouldn't. It points out to the employer the information showing that you have the qualities the job calls for, and makes a statement about yourself and your suitability for the job. 
    What should a covering letter include?: 

    1. Make sure you address the covering letter with the correct persons name so they are more inclined to read it e.g. Miss Jayne Smith.
    2. The opening paragraph should be short and hard- hitting. Begin with an informative sentence in which you explain why it is you are contacting them, for example ‘I would like to be considered for the position of Marketing Manager’. If possible state how you heard about the job vacancy. 
    3. The second paragraph should state why should an employer be interested in hiring you. Briefly describe your professional and academic qualifications that are relevant to the position. If the job was advertised refer to all of the required skills written in the advert. 
    4. The third paragraph emphasise what you can do for the company, not vice versa. Outline a relevant career  goal.Incorporate your research. Expand on the most relevant points of your CV. 
    5. The fourth paragraph request actions, for example indicate your desire for a personal interview and that you’re able to meet with the employer at their convenience.
    6. Closing the letter- Sign off your covering letter ‘Yours sincerely’ then do not forget to sign it. Write an enclosure line at the bottom. 

    How the Letter Should Look

    Your address goes at the top right hand corner, miss a line then write your contact details and then put the date. The potential employers address goes on the left side on the line after the date.

    Employ appropriate margin and paragraph spacing so that your letter is not bunched up at the top of the page but is evenly distributed and balanced.

    The envelope should look as professional as its contents. Do not use any fancy stationery, a simple white envelope is best. Use a good pen, with black ink and use your best hand.
    Always type your covering letter and use the same quality plain paper onto which you printed your CV.
    • Important things to consider
    • Avoid  using clichés and catch phrases, you want your letter to be unique.
    • Try to avoid using ‘I’ too much. A page of I did this and I did that is not appealing – it says to the employer that you haven’t thought about them.
    • Do not use abbreviations.
    • To satisfy the skim reader, incorporate some industry sound bites and buzzwords.
    • Subtly flatter the company, for example ‘you are the industry leader’
    • Check and then recheck your spelling, grammar and punctuation. Get someone else to read it through also.
    • Paper clip your covering letter to your CV, one should never be sent out without the other.
    Potential Work Experience Placement- Hannah's Holiday Home Appeal 
    Background information on Hannah's Holiday Home Appeal - Hannah’s Holiday Home Appeal has been set up in memory of Hannah Westbrook. At the Age of 8 Hannah was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease and was treated at Southampton General Hospital. Despite all of this, she continued with family and friends to fund raise for the Piam Brown Ward, which is the children’s cancer ward based at Southampton General Hospital, raising over £10,000 in just 3 years. Sadly, at the age of 10 on 19th September 2004, Hannah passed away peacefully at her family home. 
    What do they do? They provide holiday homes for families of children with life shortening or life changing illnesses to give the whole family including siblings a chance for valuable family time in one of the holiday homes. The company carries out a large variety of events to fundraise for the charity e.g music festivals, annual balls, quiz nights, fates, children's parties, fashion shows and grants.  
    Where are they based?Their main head office is based in Cowplain where they carry out all their administration, organising and store stock for events, however the holiday homes are located within Hampshire including Hayling Island, Millford - On -Sea, Oakdean (which is a lodge), and they are currently in the process of buying a new home. 
    Are they part of a larger organisation? Although they are not part of a larger organisation they do communicate with other charitable organisations such as Dreams Come True. 
    Who is in charge of hiring staff? Pam Marshall, Hannah's mum, who founded the company shortly after her death. 
    What staff do they employee? On the committee there are currently 7 people including:
    • Chairperson& Trustee - Sue Stokes
    • Treasurer& Trustee - Carolyn Westbrook 
    • Secretary& Trustee - Pam Marshall
    • Trustees - Colin Marshall& Kev Stokes
    • Committee - Nicola Newton & Claire Cook 
    •  However it's supported by a large number of volunteers.  
    Finical Facts about the Company?
    How much did they fundraise last financial year approximately? -£84,000
    How much are the homes worth?- Hayling Home & New Forest £50,000, Oakdean Lodge £165,000
    How much are the homes overheads per year? -£12,500 per year per home 
    Are they currently hiring staff? The company are always on the look out for pro-active volunteers, they are looking into hiring someone in the future to help them with the large volume grant applications that need to be completed on an annual basis. Further information is said to be discussed nearer the time.  

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