The Dark Knight made an incredibly effective viral marketing campaign to help interact with fans. In the 15 months leading up to the movie’s release, over 11 million unique participants in over 70 countries joined in the transmedia experience.
They gave fans the chance to directly involve themselves in the world of Gotham.
They from helped Harvey Dent become District Attorney to serving as henchmen in the Joker’s army to joining “Citizens for Batman.” They used a scavenger hunt and real world events as a form of communication for the campaign with spilled over into the real world as fans started to find things like the the joker cards that was left at comic book stores.The cards then led to the Harvey Dent for District Attorney website, in an election that only existed in Gotham City.Some crafty fans discovered that they could erase pixels on the site, resulting in the final reveal of the first public image of Health Ledger as the Joker. The Los Angeles said " one of the most interactive movie campaigns ever hatched by Hollywood. The same sort of thing happened at Comic Con in San Diego. First, "Jokerized" dollars were discovered. Fans followed the clues on the dollar bill, and you wind up at a great vantage point to watch a plane skywrite a phone number. Call the phone number, and be lured into Joker's criminal conspiracy. Phone numbers written in the sky, found phones the Joker left for them inside birthday cakes, and helped project the Batman signal on buildings in New York City and Chicago. They used many media platforms and this campaign went on for 18 months. The campaign focused a lot on making Gotham City real, bringing it alive as much as possible using every way possible to interact with fans getting them talking about the film.

They had a couple of effective taglines which links the campaign together evoking a reaction such as "why so serious" and "I believe in Harvey Dent".
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