Rhianna Research
how many abulms has he made/ sold? Titles of album, cd covers, statistics, quotes and song lyrics, concert/tours

Devil in a blue dress- Could construct artwork based around this. Anti is Rhianna's latest album - 2016
Song lyrics - Shine bright like a diamond
The Monster
Four Five Secounds
Tim Marrs Research
What is his style and what tools and techniques does he use?
Tim Marrs is a graphic designer and illustrator who is best known for his outrageous and striking style of work. He uses a range of techniques such as drawings, photography, screen-printing, Photoshop, hand lettering, graffiti, and draws on American pulp and pop cultures fusing them all together to create a mixed media collage of textured and colourful, digital artwork. This style of hand made work gives a dynamic and contemporary feel. He also uses a digital camera and a scanner to import his sketchbook work into his finished artwork. He seems to be drawn to
American pop culture featuring stars such as pop singer Rhianna, basketball legend Micheal Jordan and seems to be influenced heavily by pop art in his work (perhaps trying to imitate some of Andy Warhol's pieces)
Tim does mainly promotional artwork and his technique is one of the most influential styles in modern illustration and has attracted commissions from many famous, successful companies such as Pepsi, Nike ( was apart of the Mike campaign) and Virgin helping to advertise and promote their brand and products. His illustration career spanning over 10 years, Marrs is a BA graduate of Humberside University and Master of Arts ( MA) post grad of Central Saint Martins, London.
What colours does he uses and how successful is it?
Examples of his work

The iconic images and themes used give the poster a very familiar feel to it.People which the restaurant is aimed at are going to immediately recognise the famous Hollywood and Route 66 signs, the fun of surfing and skateboarding in summer and going to rock concerts, gives the poster some content and helps bring it to life; making it look exiting and real. These ideas perfectly fit into the strap line "Taste of Youth" as well as the phrase "taste of excitement" featured in the bottom right corner of the poster. The poster's style is similar to a lot of Marrs' other work, featuring bold composition, vibrant colours and clever imagery. Marrs' poster perfectly fits the exciting and fun theme Taco Bell would have wanted from him, portraying a lifestyle everybody would want to lead.
This was designed by Tim Marrs for Pepsi Max. I like this design because it is cool and modern, hitting the youth target market that the product is aimed at. He mainly stuck to the Pepsi themed colours of red, white and blue, incorporating the hue/saturation and stamp effects. Then for the background he has started to use grey and darker shades of blue and black, creating a more urban, edgy, cool look. By using the bright red in the text it makes this the hierarchy of information because it is what we are immediately drawn do which helps promote the brand, and stands out against the darker background. The use of American cars (which are featured heavily in his other work) in this piece portrays a street, slick look, which would appeal to the target audience of 16- 26 year old.
Tim Marrs Rhianna
Tim Marrs Rhianna
Tim has based this piece of artwork around Rhianna. The use of bright vibrant colours and graffiti style gives the design an urban, edgy feel.
The use of colours in this deisgn is very reflective of the type of artist Rhianna is and portrays her accurately by the fun colours helping symbolise the pop style of music she releases, but still giving it a unique, quirky edge. This helps the design appeal to a young adult/ teenage audience that Rhianna caters her music towards. The colours Tim uses are bold and in your face, they all contrast each other brilliantly, the light grey background emphasis on the main focus of the design being Rhianna and uses blues and pinks to help her stand out. He has also drawn bright yellow arrows pointing towards Rhianna this is successful as it encourages the reader to look at her. Due to the vibrant, eye-catching colours of Rhianna against the plain background it means she is the hierarchy of information, you can't help but be immediately drawn to this part of the design. The hierarchy of information is in the correct order because the main focus of the design should be around her as it is Rhianna he is trying to promote and make noticeable. The design has elements of both realism and slightly abstract because she looks like herself with accurate facial features which make it look like a normal photo, but the colours and graffiti style make it seem more abstract and slightly cartoon.
My opinion on his work and style
My opinion on his work and style
I think his style is extremely innovative and exiting. I think his work is interesting because of the huge variety of techniques he uses them and how cleverly he combines them to create something incredibly effective and eye catching.
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