Tuesday 26 April 2016


 In todays lesson I drew rough illustrations that I could then use when I open them up in illustrator to make patterns. I drew them on with pencil A4 plain paper and created 6 rough hand drawn images that relate to Rhianna my chosen artists and music. I chose to do simple, abstract shapes so that it is easier to work with when I open them up in illustrator.

As you can see on Photoshop I have used the cut out tool to cut around my pencil drawing design and then turned it into a repeat pattern for the back of my phone case. I replicated my design using the colour wheel to make different colour version so my customers have a range of colours to chose from. Moreover on one of the phone case Rhianna I have placed Rhianna's face on the back to continue the Rhianna theme and make it look more interesting. To do this I copied and pasted an image of Rhianna from google onto my design and with the wand tool which brushed away any parts of the image in the background I didn't want on my design; zooming in to make it more precise. I then make it transparent to blend in with the background and used an effect to make it look more cartoon and urban to match the  Rhianna theme.

The main influence in all of my designs is Tim Marrs as he offers a quirky, fun and adventurous feel to all his design and I feel I have reiterated this in my designs. An area I feel I could have improved on is being more adventurous and thinking outside the box more with my typography design, perhaps placing the letters in a funky style and layout; maybe creating an image like the elephant design above to make it look more interesting and stand  out against other typography designs. I feel like my final outcome is successful because it clearly reflects my artists with lyrics and colours (red), fitting in with current trends and themes. Moreover since her new album "Anti" has just been released the sales of my case will be higher as it's fresh and popular amongst my target audience in the charts now, therefore benefits me as it's relevant.  

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