Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Powerful Picture Observation 

I am drawn to this photo because it so powerful and shocking to look at. I am immediately intrigued as to how and why he is on fire. The objective of this photo is there is a man sat on the floor set on fire, not seeming to try and put it out. We are immediately drawn to the bright fire in the centre of the photo, then as we look in deeper we see there is a man inside. As the subject placement is positioned in the centre it helps the initial attraction. A connotation of the photo being positioned in the centre is that he is the centre of attention and it symbolises the reason behind the photo that he wanted get the attention of people around him and demonstrate is passionate views in a drastic way. This photo is very simply in the way that a man is simply sat on the floor on fire with a petrol can next to him to show what started it, but the meaning and reasoning behind it is much more complex and deeper. The colours in this photo contrast each other the blue car in the background helps the bright orange flames engulfing the man in the photo stand out. The flame has a lot of clarity and looks as if its in high definition, compared to the people in the background they are slightly blurred and faded to help  make the man on fire more eye catching.

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