Dan Wootten is a reporter for The Sun.

Dan Wootten is tweeting about having an sneak peak at Leo DiCaprio's new film as he describes it was "exclusive" highlighting the excitement and that it shouldn't be missed therefore promoting both the film and Lorraine's show. As The Sun uses informal language he abbreviates Leonardo's name to "Leo" to make it sound like he knows him on a personal level, helping engage the reader and make the tone feel more casual and laid back. He also uses colloquial language such as "epic" which is biased towards the film which is helping promote and encourage follows to watch the film. In the tweet he includes the Lorraine show account and her personal account, which is using social media to promote the Lorraine show where they can watch and find out other exiting stories and film releases like this, encouraging people to watch the first look at the exclusive film.

As Dan Wootton is a reporter for The Sun newspaper they often include articles on informal slightly humorous stories that will entertain the general public. The tweet from Dan is about a cheating scandal between famous rugby player Jonathan Joseph and childhood sweet heart Casey Batchelor. He links to another user in the tweet "@Nicola Fahey" to broaden the discussion, also as Nicola Fahey is reporter for the Sun users may be able to click on her twitter page and find out more exiting information about the story that she may be able to expand on. Moreover Dan uses the word "exclusive" in his tweet to highlight to his followers that they will only be able to read and find out about this from the Sun. Therefore Dan is using social media to help promote his newspaper brand and reporter Nicola Fahey by advertising exclusive stories that only the Sun has published, no other newspaper. He attached a link to the full story at the bottom of the tweet to enable users to view and read on about the full story and the ins and outs of the cheating scandal. He uses an image to capture the readers attention, using one with big, bold letters that you can't miss that spells "SCRUMBAG". This a pun a "scrum" is what rugby players do before they start a match and have played on the word "scum" linking to the story that he as cheated, so linking is private and professional affairs. The pun is helping engage the reader as it is amusing and funny. These types of stylist features links in with the Sun's causal, colloquial, informal tone. The image used is a picture of the two girls either side of him so it looks like he's surrounded and has to choose, also he is running so it looks like he's running away from his problems.
This is Jo Jones she is an editor for the Observer.

This is a tweet from a photography company and they are promoting the article in the observer magazine about photo journalism. They are using
cross brand promotion by including other editors which helps spread out the connection to the audience on a larger scale. The tweet is promoting the magazine itself because they include the magazines twitter page so users can click on he link and view other photographs and articles like this one, so it is helping expand and promoting their newspaper brand. They are not only promoting the magazine, but the editors and photography company. They use a hash tag in the tweet which helps promote London Fashion Week and allows the users to click on it and view more photos like this one and help them go viral. They use an effect image to help engage the reader and have used a lot of editorial techniques to show the viewer the sorts of photos that may be in the article, helping promote the newspaper brand because they may want to see more. Moreover they have used a rhetorical question in the tweet to helping connect the reader and the paper. They also have written "AMAZING" in capital letters so it stands out against the rest of the text so the reader is more intrigued to find out what is so great.

This is Hannah Parkinson she is a journalist that works for the Guardian.

This is a pinned tweet from Hannah, and this tweet particularly stood out for me as a perfect example of how using twitter; a form of social media helps to massively promote the Guardian's newspaper brand. The reason it is so effective for promotion is because as it is a "pinned tweet" this tweet about the Guardian is at the top of her page, so it's easy for her follows to refer back to in order to find links to the Guardian directly. On twitter it is easy for tweets to get lots in feeds but as Hannah has pinned it it will stay up there as the first thing her followers see when they view her page. Moreover in the tweet she has included a variety of Guardian related twitter pages such as the main Guardian twitter page and "@gdnmembers" where she is encouraging users to become a member and directly see and be apart of all the different events. This is helping promote the brand because it is helping link the newspaper and the public by enabling members of the general public to become a member, helping expand there audience making them more recognised and popular. She uses rhetorical questions to help engage the reader, and make them feel like if the answer to those questions is yes then why aren't they joining and becoming a member? Finally the tweet ends with a link to the website whee the can join and become a member and see all the things they could be getting involved in, as she has included a link the page directly takes the user to the page hassle free, they can do it there and then not have to worry about trying to find the right page themselves, therefore they are more likely to do it.

In this tweet from Margaret Sullivan she is tweeting a message directly to the her followers on behalf of Dean Baquet the executive editor of the New York Times. She briefly says thank you to New York Times readers and includes a link at the end of the tweet for the readers to click on and read the full article where they furtherly express their gratitude to us as readers for our support over the years. Margaret is using social media as a way to promote the New York Times by thanking the readers they are likely to appreciate the recognition and continue buying the paper for years to come, keeping up their sales. Also by including a link to the full article it is promoting the newspaper because they talk in more detail about their achievements and more about them. In addition as she included another user being the editor of the paper, this helps promote the paper as they can follow him where he may share more stories from the New York times.

This is a retweet from Margaret Sullivan it is about an 8 foot tall fence that was put was around Central Park for the pope's visit and how neighbours aren't happy. She has retweeted it from The New York Times twitter page which is advertising the newspaper itself and allows users to click on the page and view other stories that the New York Times have published. This tweet been favourited 177 times therefore it makes it look like its worth reading to other users as its popular promoting the paper further. It has had 172 retweets which helps furtherly promote the New York Times newspaper brand because the more users that retweet it the more globalised and widely viewed the story gets helping expand the brand name and they may start following them for more stories. The tweet includes a link to the full article which allows the reader and helps them engaged if they can view the whole story. The tweet included an image of the fence so it helps visually engage the reader if they can see what they are talking about.
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